About us

浙江啓程閥門科(kē)技(jì )有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司是一家集閥門研發、生産(chǎn)、銷售、售後為(wèi)一體(tǐ)的綜合性高新(xīn)技(jì )術企業。公(gōng)司現有(yǒu)高級工(gōng)程師3人,行政人員8人,技(jì )術人員31名(míng),其中(zhōng)本科(kē)8人,大專人員15人。
公(gōng)司秉承“立足溫州,服務(wù)全球”,以中(zhōng)國(guó)泵閥之鄉——瓯北為(wèi)立足點,以高科(kē)技(jì )為(wèi)依托,以科(kē)技(jì )成果快速産(chǎn)業化為(wèi)已任,不斷開發科(kē)技(jì )含量高的泵閥類系列産(chǎn)品,以滿足國(guó)内外客戶的需求。在未來的時間裏公(gōng)司将抓住機遇,在産(chǎn)品系列化、産(chǎn)業多(duō)元化、經營規模化,使啓程品牌真正在國(guó)内、國(guó)際上唱響。
浙江啓程閥門科(kē)技(jì )有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司以奉行“科(kē)技(jì )為(wèi)本,質(zhì)量取勝”的宗旨,始終秉承“認真、誠信、創新(xīn)、效果”的經營理(lǐ)念,以優質(zhì)的服務(wù)、上乘的産(chǎn)品,打造啓程品牌,讓用(yòng)戶滿意。本公(gōng)司秉承“攜手啓程,共創輝煌”的理(lǐ)念,竭誠歡迎國(guó)内外廣大客戶前來洽談交流,并開展卓有(yǒu)成效的合作(zuò)。
技(jì )術團隊 TEAM
生産(chǎn)及裝(zhuāng)配 Production and assembly
檢驗及檢測 Inspection and testing
Zhejiang Qicheng Valve Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive high-tech enterprise that integrates valve research and development, production, sales, and after-sales service. The company currently has 3 senior engineers, 8 administrative personnel, and 31 technical personnel, including 8 undergraduate and 15 associate degree personnel.
The company mainly develops, produces, and sells a full range of products made of various materials, including natural gas, petroleum, chemical, and metallurgical specialized ball valves, floating ball valves, fixed ball valves, American standard ball valves, forged steel ball valves, soft and hard sealed ball valves, and eccentric companion ball valves. The company's services are centered around the Wenzhou region and radiate across the country, with plans to expand to international markets such as the Middle East and Europe and America, in order to weave a challenging global marketing network.
The company adheres to the principle of "based in Wenzhou, serving the world", taking Oubei, the hometown of pumps and valves in China, as its foothold, relying on high-tech, and taking the rapid industrialization of scientific and technological achievements as its responsibility, continuously developing a series of pump and valve products with high technological content to meet the needs of domestic and foreign customers. In the future, the company will seize the opportunity to achieve product serialization, industrial diversification, and business scale, so that the Qicheng brand can truly sing domestically and internationally.
Zhejiang Qicheng Valve Technology Co., Ltd. adheres to the principle of "technology first, quality wins" and always adheres to the business philosophy of "seriousness, integrity, innovation, and effectiveness". With high-quality services and products, we create a Qicheng brand to satisfy users. Our company adheres to the concept of "starting hand in hand and creating brilliance together", and sincerely welcomes customers from both domestic and foreign countries to negotiate and exchange ideas, and to carry out fruitful cooperation.